The other big addition is a greatly improved collection of DSO data with lots of possibilities in a new GUI tab to select for object type and/or catalog. There is more to follow in future versions. We can therefore now show that planetary positions given by the commonly used solution VSOP87 is applicable to -4000.+8000 only, and its use outside this range will give somewhat artificial results. We now dare to add another coordinate system: Ecliptic coordinates of date. Application of DeltaT has been simplified and made a bit more intuitive. Given that nobody has observed it without telescope and the model does not give limits of applicability, we limit its application to 1500.2500 Nutation is applied (IAU2000B solution). Precession now follows the IAU2006 model in the long-time version from Vondrák et al. Version 0.14.0 brings a big leap forward in astronomical accuracy for historical applications:
New versions of the Compass Marks, Oculars, Historical Supernovae, Observability analysis and Bright Novae plugins: bug fixing, code refactoring and improvements. New version of the Pulsars plugin: improvements for performance display pulsars with glitches setting color for marker for different types of the pulsars. New version of the Quasars plugin: improvements for performance added marker_color parameter. New version of the Angle Measure plugin: displaying of the position angle. New version of the Exoplanets plugin: displaying of the potential habitable exoplanets improvements for performance and code refactoring. New version of the Satellites plugin: introduces star-like satellites and bug fixes.

New plugin: Meteor Showers - provides visualization of meteor showers. New plugin: Pointer Coordinates - shows the coordinates of the mouse pointer. New plugin: Navigational Stars - marks 58 navigational stars on the sky. New plugin: Field of View - provides shortcuts for quick changes field of view. New plugin: Equation of Time - provides solution for Equation of Time. New translatable strings and new textures. Sporadic meteors and meteors has the colors now. Refactored shadows and introducing the normal mapping. This release brings some interesting new features: The Stellarium development team after 9 months of development is proud to announce the release of version 0.13.0 of Stellarium. * add your own deep sky objects, landscapes, constellation images, scripts.Īußerdem gibt es noch ein Extrapaket mit zusätzlichen Sternen zum Download: * skinnable landscapes, now with spheric panorama projection * graphical interface and extensive keyboard control * spheric mirror projection for your own dome * fisheye projection for planetarium domes * scripting to record and play your own shows * very realistic atmosphere, sunrise and sunset * images of nebulae (full Messier catalogue) * asterisms and illustrations of the constellations * extra catalogues with more than 210 million stars
Pkgrel = 1 pkgdesc = "A stellarium with great graphics and a nice database of sky-objects" url = "" arch = "all !mips !mips64 !armhf" # Limited by qt5-qtmultimedia-dev license = "GPL-2.0-or-later" makedepends = " cmake boost-dev mesa-dev qt5-qttools-dev libpng-dev freetype-dev openssl-dev qt5-qtscript-dev qt5-qtserialport-dev qt5-qtmultimedia-dev qt5-qtlocation-dev gpsd-dev " subpackages = " $pkgname -doc" source = " $pkgver /stellarium-v $pkgver. # Contributor: Leo # Maintainer: Drew DeVault pkgname =stellarium